Forums - Who's the hardest boss in Capcom or Snk fighting games. Show all 27 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Fighting Game Discussion ( -- Who's the hardest boss in Capcom or Snk fighting games. ( Posted by Master Hadoken on 04:25:2001 05:47 AM: For Capcom Shin Akuma Alpha 2 gold Bison Street Fighter The Movie Mech Gouki MVS |For SNK Rugal kof 94 boss from KOF 96 Omega Rugal who do you think. Posted by Onslaught2000 on 04:25:2001 05:53 AM: And the answers are 1) Shin Gouki (Alpha 2) 2) Omega rugal (KOF) 3) Cyber-Gouki (Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter) Posted by energon on 04:25:2001 05:57 AM: Shin Akuma in Alpha 2 is impossible to beat. Posted by Demroth on 04:25:2001 06:07 AM: Rugal is the hardest boss hands down. Posted by Havoc911 on 04:25:2001 06:08 AM: A2 Shin Akuma, Omega Rugal. Gill is pretty hard if you haven't played him enough to learn what he does. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:25:2001 06:08 AM: Goenitz from KOF 96 That was nasty MOFO. Posted by Maximum Burst on 04:25:2001 06:11 AM: The one problem for SNK bosses was that they were all suckers for ducking D's. Posted by Demroth on 04:25:2001 06:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by Maximum Burst The one problem for SNK bosses was that they were all suckers for ducking D's. That may be so (for some). But Capcom bosses are a joke. If anyone has any prob with ANY Capcom boss let me know. Posted by Shin-Mech-Brian on 04:25:2001 06:23 AM: I can't make any suggestions for any SNK game bosses but for Capcom, Shin-Magneto from X-Men: CotA is still one of the hardest I've ever fought. Posted by Demroth on 04:25:2001 06:39 AM: I allways thought that insted of fighting one big unblocking boss in the MvC game you would fight a team of two bosses. They would both be in at all times. They would work good as a team. And even if thair was only one left he would still have a chance to kick your ass. I also feel that the chars shold differ some, not twin-type chars. like Shin-strider and Shin-juggernut. Both should be at least as hard as Mech-akuma. Posted by Drahktar on 04:25:2001 06:39 AM: My vote's for Goenitz, damn he was insane. Posted by kusanagi on 04:25:2001 07:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by Onslaught2000 And the answers are 1) Shin Gouki (Alpha 2) 2) Omega rugal (KOF) 3) Cyber-Gouki (Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter) pretty much what i had in mind.. except Goenitz instead of omega rugal. Posted by Demroth on 04:25:2001 07:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by kusanagi pretty much what i had in mind.. except Goenitz instead of omega rugal. Goenitz was a bad ass but Id still put my vote on Omega Rugal. I notice no one is saying they had any prob with any Capcom end boss. Posted by ZERO_KOF2000 on 04:25:2001 02:07 PM: ... For SNK I'd say it's a selection of Rugal in KOF'94, Omega Rugal in '95, Goenitz in '96, and Mizuki in Samurai Shodown 2. Sometimes Krizalid in '99 could be tough too. For CAPCOM I'd say SF3:3S Gill, SFA1 Bison. There aren't many bosses for Capcom, most of them is M.Bison...and he's always weak as hell and prove very easy to beat. SFA3 Bison is a complete joke. Posted by Mech Zangief Master on 04:25:2001 02:11 PM: man Onslaught is fuckin hard and same with Super Bison on Alpha3 on DC both of them give me problems Bison is alot harder he has 2 be 1 of the hardest boss' i've ever fought!!! Posted by Cybernator on 04:25:2001 02:53 PM: Onslaught (Marvel vs Capcom) Posted by strider hiryu 002000 on 04:25:2001 02:59 PM: the hardest boss from capcom had to be sagat in fighting street the bastard was impossible to beat next in capcom would be gold bison and for snk id say omega rugal ~fin~ Posted by AKUMA2000 on 04:25:2001 03:45 PM: Shin Akuma in SFA2.... quote: energon:Shin Akuma in Alpha 2 is impossible to beat. Probably at first, but after you play against him enough it's no sweat.....gotta have fast fingers. Posted by O.Ryoga on 04:25:2001 04:05 PM: Goenitz hands down. He had unlimited supers without charging any bar, and all of his moves were good and kept people far (and when they got near he automatically did one of the two supers). A real pain to play against (he was usable in most arcade machines where I live). Posted by Drahktar on 04:25:2001 05:17 PM: Goenitz was useable? That's just sick. That reminds me of a guy who played KOF'97 and used only Orochi Leona, Orochi Iori, and Orochi Chris. Good thing he wasn't that good. Posted by Rugal. B on 04:25:2001 05:25 PM: Try this, all those listed yes are hard but try fighting geese in art of fighting 2 for the neo geo. HE IS IMPOSSIBLE. he is much harder than guys like goenitz or omega rugal. and even shin akuma who i find hard. trust me. Posted by daimyo_yugata on 04:25:2001 05:25 PM: Re: The hardest SNK boss is Goenitz in KOF '96 and all Capcom bosses are relatively easy .... if I had to chose one it would be Gill from SFIII : 3s but he's not really hard if you know how to play against him and parry well now that I think of if Sagat is the hardest capcom boss from fighting street. Posted by Neo Rasa on 04:25:2001 06:04 PM: SNK: 1) Geese Howard (The Art of Fighting 2) 2) Omega Rugal (The King of Fighters'95) 3) Mizuki (Shin Samurai Spirits/Samurai Shodown 2) Capcom: 1) Sagat (Street Fighter) 2) Magneto (X-Men: Children of the Atom) 3) Gill (Street Fighter 3: New Generation) Posted by P-Chalk on 04:25:2001 06:18 PM: Krizalid was just hard and for capcom the two Super Bisons you had to fight at the last level of the world tour mode was killer Posted by Drahktar on 04:25:2001 06:23 PM: Oh god, forgot about Art of Fighting 2. You're right, Geese was insane in that game. I change my vote to A0F2 Geese. I don't think I ever did beat him... Posted by Chikahiro on 04:25:2001 08:57 PM: Really? After a while we figured out a way to beat Geese relatively easily. We had a pattern that worked with many of the characters, especial Kokyugen-Ryu ones... Can't remember how it went. I do remember the pattern worked using Jack as well. It was pretty easy. Of course, actually fighting Geese was another thing altogether. Here's a tough boss...Ryo from Fatal Fury Special. Anybody ever have to fight him before? Posted by Hentai on 04:25:2001 09:19 PM: i was really disapointed the first time i fought Q in 3s, if theyre going to make him hidden shouldnt he have been more of a shin-Q, with all 3 supers and starting off with the 3 taunt armor? think of him doing his rushing super, cancel into his deadly double, activating the self destruct and catching you with it as you land from the DD.. now that would be an impressive hidden charater All times are GMT. The time now is 01:38 AM. 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